What is a hackathon?
The word hackathon is a combination of the words "HACK", standing for creative problem-solving, and "MARATHON". These are awesome events full of creativity, technology, and passionate tech-related students of different skill levels collaborating and creating. During a certain period of time, attendees work in TEAMS to develop apps, games, robots… literally anything you want to BUILD & LEARN about!
About HackUPC
HackUPC is the first student hackathon in Spain. Once a year, we aim to provide a space for students of all experience levels from all around the world where they can improve and learn new skills, meet awesome people, and overall have a great experience! This year's edition will be held in a hybrid format, meaning that you can come in person but also participate from home.
Covid Regulations
Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, we will apply sanitary and safety measures in order to ensure the safest possible environment for every hacker at HackUPC. We will adhere to the regulations imposed by the Generalitat de Catalunya and continuously update the information provided on this web page. Everything so you can be well prepared and have the best experience at HackUPC!
We will update the information if the restrictions change at any moment. Also, we will send you an email with all the needed information if you get accepted.
During the event
Coding is the main part of HackUPC, but we have many more activities!
- Talks & Workshops
- Lego building
- Slideshare show
- Photocall
- Find the duck
- StickerXchange
Mission: Enjoy HackUPC
Your final mission is to fully enjoy HackUPC and not miss anything, so you can go home with amazing memories!
To help you achieve this, we've prepared a macro activity! By completing small missions like attending talks or participating in activities, for example, you will earn points, unlock different tiers, and win prizes. Each tier has its little prize!
We also provide...
We’ve got you covered, we even have midnight snacks. Besides, you can always serve yourself with cafeteria snacks.
We will provide air mattresses both nights so you can rest your energy levels. Check out the FAQ for more info.
When and where will all of this happen? Check out our live page to find it out! It will be available during the HackUPC week.
You can also visit our sponsors’ stands or meet them remotely! They'll be available during the day and would love to talk to you! (you may even get some swag as well)
How to participate
Don't just put your brand on another wall. Take the chance to shape the tech scene of tomorrow by adding real value and making it possible for hackers to build something they're proud of.
Help and motivate hackers with your knowledge. Either because you are passionate about it, or if you've graduated more than a year ago and can't participate as a hacker, apply now as a mentor!
Gain visibility for your brand, introduce your products to future talents. Join us and be remembered as part of this hackathon by our participants!
About HackUPC
Travel reimbursement
COVID Regulation
What if I have another question?
Tweet us or DM us at @hackupc and if you want to contact us via email, drop us a line at contact@hackupc.com
The association
behind HackUPC
Hackers@UPC is a non-profit student organization at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.